
Hip & Knee


Pediatric Hip


Revision Joint

Trauma Surgery
Orthopedic Trauma

Orthopedic trauma care covers the spectrum of simple isolated fractures to severe life threatening accidents with multiple broken bones. While many fractures can be treated very well by general orthopedic surgeons, some can benefit from fracture specialists. More significant injuries with multiple broken bones, compound fractures and fractures near a joint, and fractures of the pelvis are more difficult to treat, and benefit the most from specialized care. Additionally, problems with healing including nonunions, infections (osteomyelitis) and healing with poor alignment (malunion) are often treated by fracture specialists ...

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Hip Fractures

One in four persons aged 50 or more, women more than men, develop osteoporosis, a condition of decreased bone mass that can lead to bone fragility and low-impact fractures-particularly of the hip, spine and wrist.Typically, a low-impact osteoporotic hip fracture breaks across the neck of the femur, which often disrupts blood supply to the femoral head because the two bone ends become misaligned ...

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ACL Injury

You are about to undergo surgery or have already had surgery. There are a few very important aspects about your injury or surgery that you need to be aware of ...

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Fractured neck of femur

Hip fracture is another term for a break at the top of the thigh bone. It is a very common injury with about 75,000 people breaking their hips in the UK each year but this is likely to increase due to our ageing population. About 8 out of 10 people who sustain a hip fracture are women and it is the main reason for older people to be admitted to an orthopaedic ward. The average age of someone breaking their hip is 80 years. We call a hip fracture a fragility fracture because there is usually some underlying osteoporosis ...

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Things to do Before Surgery

You've gone to your pre-admission clinic and taken care of those priorities. Now you're on the active waiting list. But there are still things to do. Here's a basic checklist to get you prepared for surgery and for the recovery period afterward ...

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